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Destacando e Removendo Textos em Branco do AutoCAD usando .NET

       Estava aqui em casa sem conseguir dormir direito e resolvi pesquisar um pouco sobre o que está em voga ai no meandro do desenvolvimento para AutoCAD .NET, então dei uma lida nos últimos post's do Thougth the Interface e achei esse post sobre essa questão do texto vazio, veja.
       O post em si é uma resposta a um problema gerado exatamente por uma criação automática de textos que causava um problema que não era possível identificar mais os textos... Trata-se que ele tem um programa que gera diversos arquivos com textos aleatórios possivelmente alguma codificação com "_" e ele quer identificar todos os textos e remove-los.

       Deletar é relativamente fácil, trata-se de localizar os DBText e MText, para isso ele sugeriu utilizar o método IsApplicable() que eu mesmo nem conhecia ainda e ir checando dentro do conteúdo de cada texto se contém o tal caractere "_"  e depois deletar o dito cujo.

 sing Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices;  
 using Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices;  
 using Autodesk.AutoCAD.EditorInput;  
 using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Geometry;  
 using Autodesk.AutoCAD.GraphicsInterface;  
 using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime;  
 using System;  
 using System.Text.RegularExpressions;  
 namespace DashedTextFinder  
  public class Commands  
   // Stores our global overrule instance  
   private static TextHighlightOverrule _tho = null;  
   public static void EraseDashedText()  
    var doc = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument;  
    var ed = doc.Editor;  
    var db = doc.Database;  
    var count = 0;  
    // In case the SDT command hasn't been run, we need to create  
    // our custom overrule object  
    if (_tho == null)  
     _tho = new TextHighlightOverrule();  
    using (var tr = doc.TransactionManager.StartTransaction())  
     // Let's iterate through the BlockTable, erasing the  
     // relevant entities from the various BlockTableRecords  
     var bt =  
       db.BlockTableId, OpenMode.ForRead  
     foreach (var btrId in bt)  
      var btr =  
        btrId, OpenMode.ForRead  
      foreach (var entId in btr)  
       // Also open erased objects, although we won't process  
       // them, of course  
       var ent =  
        (Entity)tr.GetObject(entId, OpenMode.ForRead, true);  
       if (!ent.IsErased)  
        // If the entity is a BlockReference, check its  
        // AttributeReferences, otherwise just check the  
        // entity itself using our overrule object  
        if (ent is BlockReference)  
         var br = (BlockReference)ent;  
         foreach (var aId in br.AttributeCollection)  
          var ar =  
            (ObjectId)aId, OpenMode.ForRead, true  
          if (!ar.IsErased && _tho.IsApplicable(ar))  
        else if (_tho.IsApplicable(ent))  
    // As we've erased all "problematic" entities, we might also  
    // remove the overrule...  
    //_tho = null;  
     "\nErased {0} blank or dashed text entit{1}.",  
     count, count == 1 ? "y" : "ies"  
   // Highlights the dashed text objects in the drawing  
   public static void HighlightDashedText()  
    var doc = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument;  
    if (_tho == null)  
     _tho = new TextHighlightOverrule();  
    short newCol = UpdateHighlightOverrule(doc, _tho);  
    if (newCol < 0)  
     _tho = null;  
     _tho.HighlightColor = newCol;  
   // A helper function which applies our highlight overrule  
   // to different types, adjusting the color index used  
   private static short UpdateHighlightOverrule(  
    Document doc, HighlightOverrule ho  
    // Ask the user for the new color index to use  
    var opts =  
     new PromptIntegerOptions("\nEnter highlight color index: ");  
    opts.LowerLimit = 0;  
    opts.UpperLimit = 127;  
    opts.DefaultValue = ho.HighlightColor;  
    var res = doc.Editor.GetInteger(opts);  
    if (res.Status == PromptStatus.Keyword)  
     // If the Clear keyword was entered, let's remove the  
     // overrule  
     if (res.StringResult == "Clear")  
      return -1;  
    else if (res.Status == PromptStatus.OK)  
     // Otherwise we attach the overrule for each type  
     // If requested highlight color is a new color, then we  
     // want to change it  
     if (ho.HighlightColor != res.Value)  
      ho.HighlightColor = (short)res.Value;  
    return (short)res.Value;  
  // Custom base class with a highlight text property  
  public class HighlightOverrule : DrawableOverrule  
   private Type[] _types;  
   public HighlightOverrule(short col = 1, Type[] entTypes = null)  
    _types = entTypes;  
    _color = col;  
   // Color index used to highlight  
   private short _color;  
   // The color we highlight blocks with  
   public short HighlightColor  
    get { return _color; }  
     if ((value >= 0) && (value <= 127))  
      _color = value;  
   public void Add()  
    // Call Overrule.Remove for each of the passed-in types  
    foreach (Type t in _types)  
     // Use try-catch, as Overrule.HasOverrule() needs an  
     // instance of an AutoCAD object, and we just have the  
     // type  
      Overrule.AddOverrule(RXObject.GetClass(t), this, false);  
     { }  
   public void Remove()  
    // Call Overrule.Remove for each of the passed-in types  
    foreach (Type t in _types)  
     // Use try-catch, as Overrule.HasOverrule() needs an  
     // instance of an AutoCAD object, and we just have the  
     // type  
      Overrule.RemoveOverrule(RXObject.GetClass(t), this);  
     { }  
  // Overrule to highlight text (MText and DBText) objects  
  public class TextHighlightOverrule : HighlightOverrule  
   public TextHighlightOverrule(short col = 1, Type[] types = null)  
    : base(  
      types == null ?  
       new Type[] { typeof(DBText), typeof(MText) } : types  
   public override bool WorldDraw(Drawable drawable, WorldDraw wd)  
    // Registered for MText and DBText, so proceed cautiously  
    var ent = drawable as Entity;  
    if (ent != null)  
     var mt = ent as MText;  
     var dt = ent as DBText;  
     if (mt != null || dt != null)  
      var norm = (mt == null ? dt.Normal : mt.Normal);  
      // Now we want to draw a box around the extents  
      var ext = ent.Bounds;  
      if (ext.HasValue)  
       var maxPt = ext.Value.MaxPoint;  
       var minPt = ext.Value.MinPoint;  
       // These are the vertices of the highlight box  
       // (it also contains a cross, for fun)  
       var pts =  
        new Point3dCollection(  
         new Point3d[]  
          new Point3d(minPt.X, minPt.Y, minPt.Z),  
          new Point3d(maxPt.X, maxPt.Y, maxPt.Z)  
       // Store old graphics color and lineweight  
       short oldColor = wd.SubEntityTraits.Color;  
       wd.SubEntityTraits.Color = this.HighlightColor;  
       var oldLineweight = wd.SubEntityTraits.LineWeight;  
       wd.SubEntityTraits.LineWeight = LineWeight.LineWeight070;  
       // Draw the polyline  
       wd.Geometry.Polyline(pts, norm, IntPtr.Zero);  
       // Restore old settings  
       wd.SubEntityTraits.LineWeight = oldLineweight;  
       wd.SubEntityTraits.Color = oldColor;  
    // Let the overruled Drawable draw itself  
    return base.WorldDraw(drawable, wd);  
   public override bool IsApplicable(RXObject overruledSubject)  
    // Extract the string we need to check from the types  
    // of entity this overrule works on (DBText & MText)  
    var stringToCheck = "";  
    var dt = overruledSubject as DBText;  
    if (dt != null)  
     stringToCheck = dt.TextString;  
    var mt = overruledSubject as MText;  
    if (mt != null)  
     stringToCheck = mt.Text;  
    return IsDashedOrWhitespace(stringToCheck);  
   private static bool IsDashedOrWhitespace(string text)  
    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(text))  
     return false;  
    // Use a simple Regular Expression to check whether  
    // the string passed in consists only of spaces and/or  
    // underlines  
      text, "^[ _]+$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase  

O código é copiado mesmo do original é bem útil, pode ser adaptado para outras aplicações como remover os textos vazios gerados pelo PLS-CADD e fazer coisas adicionais como reposicionamento de texto.


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